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The United States first obligation is to avoid war at all costs. The most valuable thing in the world is life itself. By going to war we are throwing away the most precious gift we have received. Avoiding war with the Soviet Union is relatively easy. The only difficult part is being the first one to extend our hand to help bring about peace. We must not wait for the Soviet Union to come sit with us at the table; we must go sit with them. The United States has to be the one to lead the beginning of a global economy. In order to materialize a global economy, three steps must be taken. The United States must offer monetary economic aid to help strengthen the economy of the Soviet Union, as well as a sign of good faith. It must also strive to make the global economy a free market economy. The third and most important way to avoid war is for the United States to open all lines of communications with the Soviet Union.
The first step to peacefully co-exist is to offer monetary economic aid. By offering this aid the first thing it will show the Soviet Union is that the United States its not its enemy but its ally. We must think of the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States as trying to make a new friend. Before you become someone’s friend you must earn their trust and respect. By offering this aid we are doing both. The Soviet Union will trust us because we are showing them that we are trying the make things better for them and not worse. The Soviet Union will respect us when they see we are spending our hard earned money to help them in there struggle.
The global economy must also be a free market economy. This means that the United States must open all trade lines with the Soviet Union. The United States has certain goods that are of value to the Soviet Union and vice versa. When a person has a friend, there is a mutual interest in one another. If one friend has nothing to offer the other, the friendship ceases to exist. As long as there is a common interest, then there friendship will always flourish. When trade begins, contacts are signed, time is invested, and obligations have to be met. These bonds that are made last a lifetime. One of the best ways to strengthen a relationship is to work with one another. When you work with one another you start to help and understand the other person. In the same way if the United States trades with the Soviet Union, then we will began to understand one another and develop bonds that are solid as oak.
Communication is the key to the door of global economy. In order to maintain a successful relationship you must discuss everything with one another. You must tell them your needs and wants, what you like and what you dislike, and foremost how you feel. The Soviet Union and the United States must talk to one another to establish a progressive movement. By keeping the line of communication open, no false judgments are made about one another, and an accidental war can be avoided.
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I believe that if we take these steps in our relationship with the Soviet Union, then it will ultimately be a successful one. However, these steps cannot be accomplished over night. A person begins to trust someone else after a constant display of trust and generosity. By offering economic aid, creating a free market economy, and opening all lines of communication, we are accomplishing just that. I now envision an economy. A global economy that listens to one another’s needs and helps each other out accordingly. The illustrious humanitarian Mahatma Gandhi once said that, “Actions for the sake of oneself binds. Action for the sake of others delivers from bondage.”
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